132 research outputs found

    Extended T2-IVIM model for correction of TE dependence of pseudo-diffusion volume fraction in clinical diffusion-weighted magnetic resonance imaging.

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    The bi-exponential intravoxel-incoherent-motion (IVIM) model for diffusion-weighted MRI (DWI) fails to account for differential T 2 s in the model compartments, resulting in overestimation of pseudodiffusion fraction f. An extended model, T2-IVIM, allows removal of the confounding echo-time (TE) dependence of f, and provides direct compartment T 2 estimates. Two consented healthy volunteer cohorts (n  =  5, 6) underwent DWI comprising multiple TE/b-value combinations (Protocol 1: TE  =  62-102 ms, b  =  0-250 mm-2s, 30 combinations. Protocol 2: 8 b-values 0-800 mm-2s at TE  =  62 ms, with 3 additional b-values 0-50 mm-2s at TE  =  80, 100 ms; scanned twice). Data from liver ROIs were fitted with IVIM at individual TEs, and with the T2-IVIM model using all data. Repeat-measures coefficients of variation were assessed for Protocol 2. Conventional IVIM modelling at individual TEs (Protocol 1) demonstrated apparent f increasing with longer TE: 22.4  ±  7% (TE  =  62 ms) to 30.7  ±  11% (TE  =  102 ms); T2-IVIM model fitting accounted for all data variation. Fitting of Protocol 2 data using T2-IVIM yielded reduced f estimates (IVIM: 27.9  ±  6%, T2-IVIM: 18.3  ±  7%), as well as T 2  =  42.1  ±  7 ms, 77.6  ±  30 ms for true and pseudodiffusion compartments, respectively. A reduced Protocol 2 dataset yielded comparable results in a clinical time frame (11 min). The confounding dependence of IVIM f on TE can be accounted for using additional b/TE images and the extended T2-IVIM model

    Modulation of renal oxygenation and perfusion in rat kidney monitored by quantitative diffusion and blood oxygen level dependent magnetic resonance imaging on a clinical 1.5T platform.

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    Background To investigate the combined use of intravoxel incoherent motion (IVIM) diffusion-weighted (DW) and blood oxygen level dependent (BOLD) magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) to assess rat renal function using a 1.5T clinical platform.Methods Multiple b-value DW and BOLD MR images were acquired from adult rats using a parallel clinical coil arrangement, enabling quantitation of the apparent diffusion coefficient (ADC), IVIM-derived diffusion coefficient (D), pseudodiffusion coefficient (D*) and perfusion fraction (f), and the transverse relaxation time T2*, for whole kidney, renal cortex, and medulla. Following the acquisition of two baseline datasets to assess measurement repeatability, images were acquired following i.v. administration of hydralazine, furosemide, or angiotensin II for up to 40 min.Results Excellent repeatability (CoV 2* measured over the whole kidney. Hydralazine induced a marked and significant (p 2*, and a significant (p 2*. A more variable response to angiotensin II was determined, with a significant (p 2* established.Conclusions Multiparametric MRI, incorporating quantitation of IVIM DWI and BOLD biomarkers and performed on a clinical platform, can be used to monitor the acute effects of vascular and tubular modulating drugs on rat kidney function in vivo. Clinical adoption of such functional imaging biomarkers can potentially inform on treatment effects in patients with renal dysfunction

    Challenges to the development of antigen-specific breast cancer vaccines

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    Continued progress in the development of antigen-specific breast cancer vaccines depends on the identification of appropriate target antigens, the establishment of effective immunization strategies, and the ability to circumvent immune escape mechanisms. Methods such as T cell epitope cloning and serological expression cloning (SEREX) have led to the identification of a number target antigens expressed in breast cancer. Improved immunization strategies, such as using dendritic cells to present tumor-associated antigens to T lymphocytes, have been shown to induce antigen-specific T cell responses in vivo and, in some cases, objective clinical responses. An outcome of successful tumor immunity is the evolution of antigen-loss tumor variants. The development of a polyvalent breast cancer vaccine, directed against a panel of tumor-associated antigens, may counteract this form of immune escape

    Characterisation of fibrosis in chemically-induced rat mammary carcinomas using multi-modal endogenous contrast MRI on a 1.5T clinical platform.

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    Objectives To determine the ability of multi-parametric, endogenous contrast MRI to detect and quantify fibrosis in a chemically-induced rat model of mammary carcinoma.Methods Female Sprague-Dawley rats (n=18) were administered with N-methyl-N-nitrosourea; resulting mammary carcinomas underwent nine-b-value diffusion-weighted (DWI), ultrashort-echo (UTE) and magnetisation transfer (MT) magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) on a clinical 1.5T platform, and associated quantitative MR parameters were calculated. Excised tumours were histologically assessed for degree of necrosis, collagen, hypoxia and microvessel density. Significance level adjusted for multiple comparisons was p=0.0125.Results Significant correlations were found between MT parameters and degree of picrosirius red staining (r > 0.85, p a and δ, r 1 and T1s, Pearson), indicating that MT is sensitive to collagen content in mammary carcinoma. Picrosirius red also correlated with the DWI parameter fD* (r=0.801, p=0.0004) and conventional gradient-echo T2* (r=-0.660, p=0.0055). Percentage necrosis correlated moderately with ultrashort/conventional-echo signal ratio (r=0.620, p=0.0105). Pimonidazole adduct (hypoxia) and CD31 (microvessel density) staining did not correlate with any MR parameter assessed.Conclusions Magnetisation transfer MRI successfully detects collagen content in mammary carcinoma, supporting inclusion of MT imaging to identify fibrosis, a prognostic marker, in clinical breast MRI examinations.Key points • Magnetisation transfer imaging is sensitive to collagen content in mammary carcinoma. • Magnetisation transfer imaging to detect fibrosis in mammary carcinoma fibrosis is feasible. • IVIM diffusion does not correlate with microvessel density in preclinical mammary carcinoma

    Development of a temperature-controlled phantom for magnetic resonance quality assurance of diffusion, dynamic, and relaxometry measurements.

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    Purpose Diffusion-weighted (DW) and dynamic contrast-enhanced magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) are increasingly applied for the assessment of functional tissue biomarkers for diagnosis, lesion characterization, or for monitoring of treatment response. However, these techniques are vulnerable to the influence of various factors, so there is a necessity for a standardized MR quality assurance procedure utilizing a phantom to facilitate the reliable estimation of repeatability of these quantitative biomarkers arising from technical factors (e.g., B1 variation) affecting acquisition on scanners of different vendors and field strengths. The purpose of this study is to present a novel phantom designed for use in quality assurance for multicenter trials, and the associated repeatability measurements of functional and quantitative imaging protocols across different MR vendors and field strengths.Methods A cylindrical acrylic phantom was manufactured containing 7 vials of polyvinylpyrrolidone (PVP) solutions of different concentrations, ranging from 0% (distilled water) to 25% w/w, to create a range of different MR contrast parameters. Temperature control was achieved by equilibration with ice-water. Repeated MR imaging measurements of the phantom were performed on four clinical scanners (two at 1.5 T, two at 3.0 T; two vendors) using the same scanning protocol to assess the long-term and short-term repeatability. The scanning protocol consisted of DW measurements, inversion recovery (IR) T1 measurements, multiecho T2 measurement, and dynamic T1-weighted sequence allowing multiple variable flip angle (VFA) estimation of T1 values over time. For each measurement, the corresponding calculated parameter maps were produced. On each calculated map, regions of interest (ROIs) were drawn within each vial and the median value of these voxels was assessed. For the dynamic data, the autocorrelation function and their variance were calculated; for the assessment of the repeatability, the coefficients of variation (CoV) were calculated.Results For both field strengths across the available vendors, the apparent diffusion coefficient (ADC) at 0 °C ranged from (1.12 ± 0.01) × 10(-3) mm(2)/s for pure water to (0.48 ± 0.02) × 10(-3) mm(2)/s for the 25% w/w PVP concentration, presenting a minor variability between the vendors and the field strengths. T2 and IR-T1 relaxation time results demonstrated variability between the field strengths and the vendors across the different acquisitions. Moreover, the T1 values derived from the VFA method exhibited a large variation compared with the IR-T1 values across all the scanners for all repeated measurements, although the calculation of the standard deviation of the VFA-T1 estimate across each ROI and the autocorrelation showed a stability of the signal for three scanners, with autocorrelation of the signal over the dynamic series revealing a periodic variation in one scanner. Finally, the ADC, the T2, and the IR-T1 values exhibited an excellent repeatability across the scanners, whereas for the dynamic data, the CoVs were higher.Conclusions The combination of a novel PVP phantom, with multiple compartments to give a physiologically relevant range of ADC and T1 values, together with ice-water as a temperature-controlled medium, allows reliable quality assurance measurements that can be used to measure agreement between MRI scanners, critical in multicenter functional and quantitative imaging studies

    Multi-centre reproducibility of diffusion MRI parameters for clinical sequences in the brain.

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    The purpose of this work was to assess the reproducibility of diffusion imaging, and in particular the apparent diffusion coefficient (ADC), intra-voxel incoherent motion (IVIM) parameters and diffusion tensor imaging (DTI) parameters, across multiple centres using clinically available protocols with limited harmonization between sequences. An ice-water phantom and nine healthy volunteers were scanned across fives centres on eight scanners (four Siemens 1.5T, four Philips 3T). The mean ADC, IVIM parameters (diffusion coefficient D and perfusion fraction f) and DTI parameters (mean diffusivity MD and fractional anisotropy FA), were measured in grey matter, white matter and specific brain sub-regions. A mixed effect model was used to measure the intra- and inter-scanner coefficient of variation (CV) for each of the five parameters. ADC, D, MD and FA had a good intra- and inter-scanner reproducibility in both grey and white matter, with a CV ranging between 1% and 7.4%; mean 2.6%. Other brain regions also showed high levels of reproducibility except for small structures such as the choroid plexus. The IVIM parameter f had a higher intra-scanner CV of 8.4% and inter-scanner CV of 24.8%. No major difference in the inter-scanner CV for ADC, D, MD and FA was observed when analysing the 1.5T and 3T scanners separately. ADC, D, MD and FA all showed good intra-scanner reproducibility, with the inter-scanner reproducibility being comparable or faring slightly worse, suggesting that using data from multiple scanners does not have an adverse effect compared with using data from the same scanner. The IVIM parameter f had a poorer inter-scanner CV when scanners of different field strengths were combined, and the parameter was also affected by the scan acquisition resolution. This study shows that the majority of diffusion MRI derived parameters are robust across 1.5T and 3T scanners and suitable for use in multi-centre clinical studies and trials

    T<sub>2</sub>-adjusted computed diffusion-weighted imaging: A novel method to enhance tumour visualisation.

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    PurposeTo introduce T2-adjusted computed DWI (T2-cDWI), a method that provides synthetic images at arbitrary b-values and echo times (TEs) that improve tissue contrast by removing or increasing T2 contrast in diffusion-weighted images.Materials and methodsIn addition to the standard DWI acquisition protocol T2-weighted echo-planar images at multiple (≥2) echo times were acquired. This allows voxelwise estimation of apparent diffusion coefficient (ADC) and T2 values, permitting synthetic images to be generated at any chosen b-value and echo time. An analytical model is derived for the noise properties in T2-cDWI, and validated using a diffusion test-object. Furthermore, we present T2-cDWI in two example clinical case studies: (i) a patient with mesothelioma demonstrating multiple disease tissue compartments and (ii) a patient with primary ovarian cancer demonstrating solid and cystic disease compartments.ResultsMeasured image noise in T2-cDWI from phantom experiments conformed to the analytical model and demonstrated that T2-cDWI at high computed b-value/TE combinations achieves lower noise compared with conventional DWI. In patients, T2-cDWI with low b-value and long TE enhanced fluid signal while suppressing solid tumour components. Conversely, large b-values and short TEs overcome T2 shine-through effects and increase the contrast between tumour and fluid compared with conventional high-b-value DW images.ConclusionT2-cDWI is a promising clinical tool for improving image signal-to-noise, image contrast, and tumour detection through suppression of T2 shine-through effects

    Repeatability of derived parameters from histograms following non-Gaussian diffusion modelling of diffusion-weighted imaging in a paediatric oncological cohort.

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    Objectives To examine repeatability of parameters derived from non-Gaussian diffusion models in data acquired in children with solid tumours.Methods Paediatric patients (-2 s) at 1.5 T in a prospective study. Tumour ROIs were drawn (3 slices) and all data fitted using IVIM, stretched exponential, and kurtosis models; percentage coefficients of variation (CV) calculated for each parameter at all ROI histogram centiles, including the medians.Results The values for ADC, D, DDCα, α, and DDCK gave CV 30 %) over the histogram. ADC, D, DDCα, and DDCK were strongly correlated (ρ > 0.9), DDCα and α were not correlated (ρ = 0.083).Conclusion Perfusion- and kurtosis-related parameters displayed larger, more variable CV across the histogram, indicating observed clinical changes outside of D/DDC in these models should be interpreted with caution. Centiles below 5th for all parameters show high CV and are unreliable as diffusion metrics. The stretched exponential model behaved well for both DDCα and α, making it a strong candidate for modelling multiple-b-value diffusion imaging data.Key points • ADC has good repeatability as low 5th centile of the histogram distribution. • High CV was observed for all parameters at extremes of histogram. • Parameters from the stretched exponential model showed low coefficients of variation. • The median ADC, D, DDC α , and DDC K are highly correlated and repeatable. • Perfusion/kurtosis parameters showed high CV variations across their histogram distributions

    Extracranial Soft-Tissue Tumors: Repeatability of Apparent Diffusion Coefficient Estimates from Diffusion-weighted MR Imaging.

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    Purpose To assess the repeatability of apparent diffusion coefficient (ADC) estimates in extracranial soft-tissue diffusion-weighted magnetic resonance imaging across a wide range of imaging protocols and patient populations. Materials and Methods Nine prospective patient studies and one prospective volunteer study, performed between 2006 and 2016 with research ethics committee approval and written informed consent from each subject, were included in this single-institution study. A total of 141 tumors and healthy organs were imaged twice (interval between repeated examinations, 45 minutes to 10 days, depending the on study) to assess the repeatability of median and mean ADC estimates. The Levene test was used to determine whether ADC repeatability differed between studies. The Pearson linear correlation coefficient was used to assess correlation between coefficient of variation (CoV) and the year the study started, study size, and volumes of tumors and healthy organs. The repeatability of ADC estimates from small, medium, and large tumors and healthy organs was assessed irrespective of study, and the Levene test was used to determine whether ADC repeatability differed between these groups. Results CoV aggregated across all studies was 4.1% (range for each study, 1.7%-6.5%). No correlation was observed between CoV and the year the study started or study size. CoV was weakly correlated with volume (r = -0.5, P = .1). Repeatability was significantly different between small, medium, and large tumors (P < .05), with the lowest CoV (2.6%) for large tumors. There was a significant difference in repeatability between studies-a difference that did not persist after the study with the largest tumors was excluded. Conclusion ADC is a robust imaging metric with excellent repeatability in extracranial soft tissues across a wide range of tumor sites, sizes, patient populations, and imaging protocol variations. Online supplemental material is available for this article